Quest: Looking the Part

Genre: Class & Job Quests
Genre + : Disciple of War Job Quests
Job : WAR
Level : 45

Zone: Eastern La Noscea

Extention: A Realm Reborn

Summary: From his continued study of the ancient texts, Curious Gorge has ascertained the final resting places of three pieces of his ancestors' lost armor. Travel to Boulder Downs in Coerthas, Camp Tranquil in the South Shroud, and Parata's Peace in western Thanalan to unearth the relics.

Summary: You have gathered three pieces of the lost armor of Curious Gorge's tribe. Return to Hidden Falls and speak with your mentor.

Curious Gorge:

Welcome again, my friend. I was wondering when your travels would bring you back this way. It just so happens that I have some exciting news.

Curious Gorge:

I have finally uncovered the clues pertaining to the whereabouts of the lost armor of my ancestors! As it turns out, after the fallen hero cast the five pieces from the mountaintop, five of his pupils set out to recover them, intending to restore their master's name.

Curious Gorge:

What is more, they were actually successful in this search. However, when it came to reuniting the set, the armor's great power began to work upon their minds, and not one could bring himself to relinquish his piece.

Curious Gorge:

Realizing then that their master's fatal pride was born of the artifacts' combined influence, the pupils resolved to keep the pieces separate, and to share between five the power that might otherwise have consumed one. Thus did each of them carve his own place in history. The chronicles go on to say that years later, prior to death, each of the pupils returned to the scene of his own greatest victory, and buried the artifact in his possession in a final attempt to prevent any one warrior from holding the set. And it is there that the pieces still rest.

Curious Gorge:

You may be interested to know that the armor I wear is itself a replica of the set crafted by my ancestors─identical in all respects save for its lack of the arcane enchantments that adorned the original.

Curious Gorge:

I know what you might be thinking: if we were to bring the five pieces together once more, what would prevent <Emphasis>us</Emphasis> from being corrupted in the same fashion? Well, I've thought of that! What we need only do is trace the runes we find on the armor onto <Emphasis>every</Emphasis> piece of warrior gear! That way, there would be no need to worry about a single proud fool becoming drunk on his all-surpassing power, as every warrior in the realm would be possessed of the selfsame might!

Curious Gorge:

It's quite brilliant, if I do say so myself. So, how about we split up and begin the search straightaway? Three of the locations seem quite self-evident─I would entrust the search there to you while I track down the other two with tome in hand.

Curious Gorge:

One piece is said to be buried under the great rocks of Boulder Downs in Coerthas, while another slumbers peacefully at Camp Tranquil in the South Shroud. The last of the three rests untouched at Parata's Peace in western Thanalan.

Curious Gorge:

Unearth those three relics, and bring them to me. With any measure of fortune, I'll have tracked down the remaining two by the time of your return.

Curious Gorge:

How fares your search, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>? Have you found aught of my tribe's ancient relics? Should you have the three pieces of armor, don them and show them to me.

Curious Gorge:

Ah, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. That you found the gear is most gratifying, but what I would truly fancy would be to see you in it.

Curious Gorge:

Wait...stand still for a moment. The armor so becomes you that I could not tell you had it on at first glance. But now I can have no doubt─I sense the power of the runes inscribed on each piece resonating with your soul crystal. This is the long-lost armor of the warrior.

Curious Gorge:

I, too, have found one of the relics, but I have run into an unexpected rub. When I donned the piece, I felt nothing─as if the lost treasure were no different from the unadorned replicas already in my possession.

Curious Gorge:

Whether the power has been lost to it, or must needs be awakened by means yet unknown to me, this I cannot say. The ancient texts still hold many mysteries beyond my ability to decipher...

Curious Gorge:

But before I forget, I should mention to you that I did indeed track down another piece before I was waylaid by this current conundrum. You should find it sealed away at Red Mantis Falls.

Curious Gorge:

I see your search was a fruitful one. I am pleased to say I have also gleaned some insight into why the armor I found seemed devoid of power.

Curious Gorge:

As I alluded to, the ancient warrior's armor derives its power from a concordance between the incantations engraved on the steel itself, and the inner beast of the wearer.

Curious Gorge:

But my own resonance with the plating was too weak as to allow a proper connection with it...and now I think I know why: my soul crystal. It once burned bright like yours, but since the events at Wineport, it has been reduced to a lifeless husk.

Curious Gorge:

Why this happened, I cannot say. But the tome is quite clear about what would happen were the powers of the armor to be bestowed upon one whose soul is weak. The inner beast would devour the mind of the wearer, who would go on a mindless rampage that would end only with the mercy of death.

Curious Gorge:

Yes, not unlike the crazed fiends we battle.

Curious Gorge:

I believe that the armor sensed my weakened state, foresaw the potential danger, and then knowingly shut off its powers to me... And I daresay we are fortunate that it did.

Curious Gorge:

I feel as though an apology is in order at this juncture─I must tell you I left this final piece of the armor where I found it. The breastplate, as the piece closest to the warrior's heart, has powers far greater and more dangerous than the other pieces. Uncertain as I was to the reason for my being unable to connect with the plate's mystical energy, I feared to take it would mean imperiling both myself and those around me.

Curious Gorge:

Your soul may burn stronger than mine, yet still I worry for your fate were you to put it on. Look deep within yourself, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. When you feel yourself ready─and only then─come speak to me again.

Quest: Looking the Part

Genre: Quêtes de classe/job
Genre + : Quêtes de job : combattants
Job : WAR
Level : 45

Zone: Noscea orientale

Extention: A Realm Reborn

Resumé: Curious Gorge a progressé dans la lecture du Traité et a réussi à localiser l'emplacement de plusieurs pièces de la tenue du combattant. Visitez les zones suivantes et récupérez les trois premiers éléments<Indent/>: - Coteaux rocheux, dans les Hautes terres du Coerthas central. - Lac des Racines, dans la Forêt du sud. - Repos de Parata, dans le Thanalan occidental.

Resumé: Vous vous êtes procuré les trois pièces d'équipement comme convenu. Retournez à la Chute cachée et parlez à Curious Gorge.

Curious Gorge:

Comment s'passe ton en<SoftHyphen/>traî<SoftHyphen/>ne<SoftHyphen/>ment<Indent/>? Tu maîtrises un peu mieux les techniques des guerriers maintenant<Indent/>? En tout cas, t'as l'air beaucoup plus costaud<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If> qu'avant, j'suis im<SoftHyphen/>pres<SoftHyphen/>sion<SoftHyphen/>né<Indent/>!

Curious Gorge:

À vrai dire, tu tombes à point nommé. Tu te souviens des tenues anciennes dont j't'ai parlé l'autre jour<Indent/>?<Indent/>... Mais si<Indent/>! C'est ces équipements de guerrier capables de stimuler la bête intérieure<Indent/>! Ça te revient<Indent/>?

Curious Gorge:

Eh ben, figure-toi que j'ai réussi à localiser l'emplacement de plusieurs pièces<Indent/>! Le problème, c'est qu'elles sont toutes dans des zones très dangereuses.

Curious Gorge:

Il faut savoir qu'autrefois, les guerriers avaient pour coutume de déposer leur équipement à l'endroit d'leur plus grande bataille quand ils se retiraient et, comme tu t'en doutes, ces combats épiques avaient pas lieu à côté des grandes cités<Indent/>!

Curious Gorge:

Ma tenue a été fabriquée par les artisans d'mon village selon le modèle des armures tra<SoftHyphen/>di<SoftHyphen/>tion<SoftHyphen/>nel<SoftHyphen/>les, mais elle renferme pas de sortilège capable d'exciter la bête intérieure. Ce procédé a disparu avec le temps. C'est pour ça que j'aimerais mettre la main sur un ensemble authentique.

Curious Gorge:

J'me dis qu'en l'analysant, on percera p't-être son secret de fabrication. Parce que si le nombre de guerriers augmente, on va avoir besoin de nouveaux équipements, et pas qu'un peu<Indent/>!

Curious Gorge:

J'ai réussi à localiser trois pièces pour l'instant, et j'aimerais que t'ailles les récupérer.

Curious Gorge:

La première s'trouve dans les Hautes terres du Coerthas central, aux Coteaux rocheux. La deuxième au lac des Racines, dans la Forêt du sud. Et la dernière au Repos de Parata, dans le Thanalan occidental.

Curious Gorge:

Garde à l'esprit qu'ces zones sont ex<SoftHyphen/>trê<SoftHyphen/>me<SoftHyphen/>ment dangereuses. À ta place, j'éviterais d'y aller seul<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If>... 'fin bon, tu fais c'que tu veux, hein<Indent/>!

Curious Gorge:

Alors, tes recherches progressent<Indent/>? Si jamais tu trouves des pièces d'la tenue du combattant, viens vite me voir<Indent/>!

Curious Gorge:

T'as trouvé la tenue du combattant<Indent/>? Fantastique<Indent/>! Montre-moi à quoi elle ressemble<Indent/>!

Curious Gorge:

Ouah<Indent/>!! Elle est identique à celle que j'porte, mais l'aura qui s'en dégage est clairement différente. Y a pas à dire, les tenues authentiques sont plus puissantes<Indent/>!

Curious Gorge:

Figure-toi que moi aussi j'suis parti chercher des pièces d'armure après ton départ. J'ai réussi à en trouver trois, comme toi. Par contre, j'sais pas pourquoi, j'arrive pas à utiliser leur pouvoir... C'est comme si elles étaient protégées par un sortilège.

Curious Gorge:

Hmmm... J'ai l'impression qu'mes problèmes viennent de mon cristal. Depuis l'incident de Port-aux-Vins, y brille plus du tout. J'devrais regarder dans le Traité pour voir si y a pas un passage à ce sujet. Ouais, j'vais faire ça.

Curious Gorge:

Toi, pendant ce temps, va de l'autre côté d'la rivière d'Agelyss et récupère la quatrième pièce de ta tenue. Tu la trouveras près d'la cascade des Mantes rouges. Allez, à tout de suite<Indent/>!

Curious Gorge:

On dirait que t'as trouvé c'que tu cherchais. Figure-toi qu'moi aussi<Indent/>!

Curious Gorge:

Dans le Traité, c'est marqué qu'les tenues du combattant entrent en résonance avec la bête intérieure et qu'elles augmentent sa puissance quand elle s'déchaîne. Elles agissent donc comme des catalyseurs.

Curious Gorge:

Le problème, c'est que certains guerriers arrivent pas à contrôler cet afflux d'énergie.

Curious Gorge:

Quand la bête intérieure prend le dessus, y a qu'un seul moyen d'arrêter la personne<Indent/>: il faut l'assommer ou la tuer<Indent/>!

Curious Gorge:

Les tenues du combattant sont trop dangereuses pour être mises entre toutes les mains<Indent/>!

Curious Gorge:

Si un guerrier inaccompli s'en équipe, il peut perdre la raison et blesser des innocents<Indent/>!

Curious Gorge:

Je sais pas si j'devrais te dire ça, mais j'ai trouvé l'emplacement de la dernière pièce de ta tenue. La lorica du combattant est l'élément le plus important et donc le plus puissant de l'armure du guerrier.

Curious Gorge:

Mais comme je viens de t'expliquer, c'est très risqué de s'en équiper. Si malgré tout t'es décidé<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If> à t'la procurer, je t'aiderai à la récupérer. Réfléchis un moment et reparle-moi.
