Quest: Following in His Footsteps

Genre: Class & Job Quests
Genre + : Disciple of Magic Job Quests
Job : WHM
Level : 45

Zone: South Shroud

Extention: A Realm Reborn

Summary: Raya–O–Senna explains that in order to withstand the fury of the great one while performing the Quieting, you must clad yourself in garb imbued with the powers of your forebear. Take the items of clothing she has given you and /pray before three of A–Towa–Cant's resting places─in the Serpent's Tongue, the Tangle, and Raubahn's Push─that you might obtain the great mage's blessing.

Summary: Your prayers have been answered, and you have received the blessing of A–Towa–Cant for the three pieces of garb entrusted to you. Return to Camp Tranquil and speak with Raya–O–Senna.


Your command of white magic has advanced considerably, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. Yes, the time draws near─let us begin our preparations for the Quieting.


At its roots, the ritual is no different from the acts of pacifying that you have already performed. The difference lies only in the difficulty of the effort─the great one possesses a power unfathomably more immense than the elementals you have communed with thus far.


Power so immense that a mage might be easily overwhelmed by the sheer force of its will. To prevent such a catastrophic fate, our tradition decrees that especial garb must be donned before performing the ritual.


I have prepared for you these pieces, but I fear they will not avail you in their current state. So it is that I would send you on a journey.


I trust you know the story of A–Towa–Cant. Rare among the Padjal, he left the forest behind to travel the realm, healing the land and its people. As tribute to his wanderlust, after he passed, his ashes were divided among several urns, which were in turn carried to the far reaches of the realm.


And it was there, in the distant lands that the great mage so loved, that his ashes were buried, and monuments erected in his honor. You are to go on a pilgrimage to these sites, and receive the blessings of your forebear. Only then will the garb I've gifted you be imbued with his divine powers.


Mind you, you will find that these places are not as welcoming as they might have been in Master A–Towa's time. The first site is on the shores of western La Noscea, in a place now feared as the Serpent's Tongue, home to a band of vile pirates.


The next is to be found in Mor Dhona, in that overgrown labyrinth of roots and vines so affectionately known as the Tangle. I do hope that Master A–Towa's ashes have survived those most oppressive environs.


The third site I would have you visit is perhaps the most treacherous location of the lot─Raubahn's Push in northern Thanalan, a stone's throw from an imperial stronghold. I urge you to exercise extreme caution.


Your safe return heartens me, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. I can feel newfound power emanating from the garb I gave you. I trust that this stage of your pilgrimage was a success.


Now that you have traveled the realm and seen the land as Master A–Towa did, I would share with you the rest of his tale. The histories claim that A–Towa–Cant disappeared in the mountains of O'Ghomoro, the kobold motherland. This is not untrue, but there is more to the story.


When the great mage did not return from his journey, one of his most devoted students went in search of him. As the legends have it, the young mage single-handedly fought off veritable legions of kobolds while scouring the mountains for any sign of his master.


Sadly, it was as all had feared. Though the young mage eventually found his master, the great A–Towa–Cant lived no more.


As if the death of the man were not enough, Thyrus─A–Towa–Cant's great staff, a mighty relic passed down by his ancestors─was lost to the shadows.


Undeterred, the young mage fought off the kobold hordes to carry his master's remains back to the surface. A ceremony was held to honor Master A–Towa's life and deeds, and urns housing his ashes were carried off to the far-reaching frontiers of which he was so fond in his living years.


All the urns, that is, except for one. Yes, though the precise location is known to only a few, Master A–Towa also rests closer to home. Here in the Twelveswood, not far from Proud Creek, you will find yet another monument to the great mage. Take with you this habit, and pay your respects as before. If you keep pure intentions in your heart and in your mind, then the healer's robe shall be your reward.


The urn holding Master A–Towa's ashes was stolen!? This cannot be!


Grave robbery is a damnable enough crime in itself, but what manner of scoundrel would dare defile the resting place of a Padjal?


Rest assured that I will investigate this heinous crime immediately. In the meantime, your pilgrimage demands you travel to one last destination.


This final leg of your journey will take you to the very place that Master A–Towa drew his last breath: O'Ghomoro, the homeland of the kobolds in outer La Noscea. It is there, in plain sight of the Kobold Dig, that the student of whom I spoke did erect a monument to his fallen master.


Welcome back, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. The journey was not an easy one, I trust, and yet I knew that Master A–Towa would guide you safely back to me.


In your travels, you have received the blessings of our great ancestor. And yet, this was not the sole reason I sent you on this pilgrimage. Perhaps you sensed something of my intentions during your trip.


Yes, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. As <If(PlayerParameter(4))>she<Else/>he</If> who would inherit Master A–Towa's legacy, I wanted you to truly walk in his footsteps.


To see the realm─in both its beauty and its suffering─with your own eyes, as the great mage did so long ago.


And yet it is strange, no? A pirate's lair, a rampant jungle, mountains of fire─of all the hostile environs to which you journeyed, the single grave despoiled was that which rests right here in our forest home.


I suspect this was the handiwork of no witless grave robber, but rather someone who knew all too well the value of that which was buried within.


We must uncover the truth behind this crime and return Master A–Towa's ashes to their rightful resting place, and quickly. You are with me, yes?

Quest: Following in His Footsteps

Genre: Quêtes de classe/job
Genre + : Quêtes de job : mages
Job : WHM
Level : 45

Zone: Forêt du sud

Extention: A Realm Reborn

Resumé: Raya-O-Senna vous demande de suivre les traces d'A-Towa-Cant, et de vous rendre sur des stèles qui lui sont dédiées. Rendez-vous <SheetFr(EObj,7,2002396,1,1)/> au Nid de serpents dans la Noscea occidentale, <SheetFr(EObj,7,2002397,1,1)/> à L'Enchevêtrement dans le Mor Dhona, <SheetFr(EObj,7,2002398,1,1)/> à la Poussée de Raubahn dans le Thanalan, et <Emphasis>priez</Emphasis> devant chacun des monuments.

Resumé: Vous avez prié aux trois endroits indiqués par Raya-O-Senna. Retournez la voir dans la Forêt du sud.


Ah, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>, tu tombes bien, c'est l'heure de préparer le rite.


Pour interagir avec un esprit doyen aussi puissant que celui de l'Arbre gardien, il est nécessaire de porter une tenue spéciale, pour éviter d'être mis en danger par sa puissance.


C'est une tenue que j'ai moi-même préparée. Mais dans son état actuel, elle n'a aucun pouvoir.


J'aimerais que tu insuffles le pouvoir de l'apaisement à cette tenue. Pour ce faire, je vais te demander de voyager à travers Éorzéa, afin de retracer le cheminement d'A-Towa-Cant.


Il a eu une destinée assez singulière pour un Padjal, puisqu'il a parcouru le monde pour venir en aide aux gens et apporter la sérénité un peu partout en Éorzéa. Après sa mort, ses cendres ont été dispersées sur certains des endroits célèbres de son pèlerinage.


Puisque tu es en quelque sorte son successeur, j'aimerais que tu ailles prier sur chacun des endroits où reposent les reliques d'A-Towa-Cant.


Pour commencer, <SheetFr(EObj,2,2002396,1,1)/> se trouve dans la Noscea occidentale. Mal<SoftHyphen/>heu<SoftHyphen/>reu<SoftHyphen/>se<SoftHyphen/>ment, l'endroit est occupé par les pillards du serpent, une bande de pirates qui en a fait son repaire, si bien qu'on l'appelle “Nid de serpents”.


Ensuite, <SheetFr(EObj,2,2002397,1,1)/> se trouve à L'Enchevêtrement dans le Mor Dhona. Cet endroit est vraiment très humide, je me demande dans quel état est le monument après tout ce temps...


Enfin, <SheetFr(EObj,2,2002398,1,1)/> se trouve dans le Thanalan septentrional, à la Poussée de Raubahn. C'est tout près d'une base impériale, donc c'est un endroit un peu dangereux.


Je vois que tu as visité les trois endroits. Ta tenue semble prête...


Chacune des stèles renferme une partie des reliques d'A-Towa-Cant.


Officiellement, A-Towa-Cant a disparu dans O'Ghomoro, mais en réalité un de ses fidèles a dis<SoftHyphen/>crè<SoftHyphen/>te<SoftHyphen/>ment ramené sa dépouille.


Apparemment, ce disciple s'est engouffré dans les montagnes d'O'Ghomoro, qui sont truffées de Kobolds, avec l'énergie du désespoir, pour ramener le corps du grand maître. Il a fait preuve d'un grand courage.


Ce qui est malheureux, c'est que le Thyrse, le trésor de la famille Cant, a été perdu dans l'opération. Il s'agit d'un bâton d'élé<SoftHyphen/>men<SoftHyphen/>ta<SoftHyphen/>lis<SoftHyphen/>te célèbre.


Une fois la dépouille ramenée, il a été décidé qu'on enterre dis<SoftHyphen/>crè<SoftHyphen/>te<SoftHyphen/>ment ses reliques dans des endroits appréciés du maître de son vivant.


Il y a les trois endroits que tu as déjà visités, mais encore <SheetFr(EObj,1,2002399,1,1)/>, à La Fierté, dans la Sylve.


Quoi<Indent/>!? La tombe d'A-Towa-Cant a été profanée<Indent/>!? C'est vrai<Indent/>?


C'est vraiment honteux, endommager la tombe d'un Padjal...


Enfin, ce qui est fait est fait. Je vais essayer de découvrir qui aurait pu commettre un tel acte... Pendant ce temps, va visiter la dernière stèle.


C'est près d'O'Ghomoro, à l'excavation kobolde, le site même où le Padjal a perdu la vie... et c'est le dernier endroit où ses reliques reposent.


Te voilà, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/><Indent/>! Ça a dû être un long chemin pour toi.


Mais tu as lit<SoftHyphen/>té<SoftHyphen/>ra<SoftHyphen/>le<SoftHyphen/>ment suivi les traces d'A-Towa-Cant en empruntant ce chemin.


Il a vraiment parcouru les quatre coins du monde, en quittant la Sylve malgré le fait qu'il soit un Padjal.


Je souhaitais donc que tu voies les mêmes paysages que lui, que tu comprennes sa façon de penser pour lui succéder comme il se doit.


Mais tout de même... je n'aurais pas cru que des profanateurs pouvaient se trouver ici, à Gridania...


Ou bien, c'est peut-être justement pour ça que... Hum...


Quoi qu'il en soit, je vais me charger de retrouver ces criminels, foi de Raya-O<Indent/>!

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