Quest: Stairway to the Heavens

Genre: Class & Job Quests
Genre + : Disciple of Magic Job Quests
Job :
Level : 50

Zone: Ishgard

Extention: Heavensward

Summary: Jannequinard has invited you to study with him the many mysteries of the Sharlayan school of astrology.

Summary: You speak with Jannequinard and express your interest in his field of study. The astrologian accepts you with open arms and proceeds to give you your first astrology-related assignment─inquiring with other Athenaeum students on the whereabouts of an important visitant from Sharlayan.


Now, where to begin!? I suppose I could consult my divining deck for an answer, but that would be too easy now, wouldn't it? Very well, at the beginning it is!








Astrology, or the reading of the stars, is a branch of aetherological science which originated in distant Sharlayan. There have been astrologians in Ishgard for thousands of years, but it wasn't until three centuries ago when Adaunel the Younger learned that the movement of the stars could also be used to foresee the movements of the Dravanian Horde that the field became popular.


Since then, what was once a single science has bifurcated into two similar yet ultimately different schools of learning: the Sharlayan school of astrology and the Ishgardian school─the former placing a focus on tapping celestial aether and transforming it into beneficial magicks, or astromancy, the latter specializing solely in determining the actions of our dragon enemies to the north.


I am a student of the former─the <Emphasis>only</Emphasis> student of the former here in Ishgard─and have been actively seeking a partner with whom to conduct my research. Let us just say that my fellow astrologians here have been less than approving of my path. But that is simply because they are afraid of what they do not know. Once they <Emphasis>do</Emphasis> know of how Sharlayan astrology can benefit the See and its soldiers, they will feel foolish for ever having doubted me...ah, us!


You <Emphasis>will</Emphasis> be joining me, will you not? Walking the path that has been laid out before you, instead of stubbornly denying your fate, postponing the inevitable?






I see you wasted no time making your decision. Like I always say, the stars are never wrong!




Alas, even a lifetime of study and training cannot unlock <Emphasis>all</Emphasis> the secrets written in those stars. Myself, I have been a student of the astromantic arts for more summers than I can count, and I still oft misread the signs shown to me in the skies. Though, my readings are far more accurate now than they were when I attended the Athenaeum in Sharlayan. Not <Emphasis>the</Emphasis> Sharlayan, mind you. The colony that once thrived in the Dravanian hinterlands.


I can recall my time there like it was but yesterday. The first six moons, I was not even allowed to touch the Deck of Sixty, let alone conduct a reading with the major arcana. Most of my time was spent in the scriptorium transcribing old tomes on astrological fundamentals such as the six elemental houses, divine duplicity, class triplicity, house modality and polarity, dignity versus detriment...


I abhorred the task, and would tirelessly pester my instructors as to when I might actually be granted the opportunity to weave a spell or perform a reading. It wasn't until the end of the sixth moon that I realized all that transcribing had prepared me with the essentials I would need to do those very things.


The positions of the celestial bodies within the six elemental houses, and their relation to the major and minor arcana of the Deck of Sixty─therein lie the secrets to tapping the aetherial power locked in the heavens.


And soon, you too will become privy to these secrets.


But not this day. No, no. I would not have you transcribe musty old tomes, like I was once forced to do. No, the task I have for you is <Emphasis>much</Emphasis> more interesting. You see, I am expecting the arrival of a very important guest─my old mentor from the Studium has agreed to make the journey from the Old World to Ishgard and speak with the Holy See regarding the implementation of Sharlayan astrological techniques in city–state defense.


Alas, the professor and his party are now fully seven days late in arriving, and I have begun to worry for their safety. I should be much obliged, therefore, if you would inquire of the other astrologians here at the Athenaeum if they have heard aught.


...Beg pardon? If the professor is so important to me, why haven't I asked them myself? Ah, let us just say that the other astrologians and I do not always see eye to eye on everything...or, in fact, anything.


Why would Lord Jannequinard think I had information on the whereabouts of a handful of unbelievers from across the Bloodbrine Sea? I am an astrologian, not a fortune-teller. I cannot simply look to the stars and scry the location of the viscount's guests...unless his guests are dragons, that is.


I suppose if anyone knew aught, it would be the Observatorium. We here at the Athenaeum are but students dedicated to research. Those with any influence in our field are assigned to the astroscope.


Why would Lord Jannequinard think I had information on the whereabouts of a handful of unbelievers from across the Bloodbrine Sea? I am an astrologian, not a fortune-teller. I cannot simply look to the stars and scry the location of the viscount's guests...unless his guests are dragons, that is.


I suppose if anyone knew aught, it would be the Observatorium. We here at the Athenaeum are but students dedicated to research. Those with any influence in our field are assigned to the astroscope.


Let me guess, the good Lord Jannequinard said he saw you in a vision and that the stars told him that you were to study Sharlayan astrology with him. Am I close? You must be the hundredth of his little pets to pester me this week alone.


I harbor no ill will toward ignorant unbelievers unlucky enough to find themselves caught up in talk of stars and fortunes, but you may tell that sorry excuse for an astrologian─<Emphasis>for the umpteenth time</Emphasis>─that I have heard <Emphasis>naught</Emphasis> concerning his imaginary friends from faraway Sharlayan. (Just do not tell the viscount I called him a sorry excuse for an astrologian, all right?)


Let me guess, the good Lord Jannequinard said he saw you in a vision and that the stars told him that you were to study Sharlayan astrology with him. Am I close? You must be the hundredth of his little pets to pester me this week alone.


I harbor no ill will toward ignorant unbelievers unlucky enough to find themselves caught up in talk of stars and fortunes, but you may tell that sorry excuse for an astrologian─<Emphasis>for the umpteenth time</Emphasis>─that I have heard <Emphasis>naught</Emphasis> concerning his imaginary friends from faraway Sharlayan. (Just do not tell the viscount I called him a sorry excuse for an astrologian, all right?)


Jannequinard is still waiting for word on his missing Sharlayans instead of actually making an effort to find them, is he? Of course he is. Is it any wonder that in the nearly fifteen years since his return from Sharlayan, his skill in astromancy has remained unchanged? Any wonder that he has never yet managed to convince a single peer of the value of the Sharlayan school? He is a privileged little sprat who spends more time gazing at the stars in young maidens' eyes than actually trying to read the ones above his head.


<sigh> All right, all right. You tell the poor man I just returned from the Observatorium, and one night at the communal feasting hall, happened to overhear Chief Astrologian Forlemort speaking with one of his aides regarding Sharlayan. He was visibly upset, and I wasn't about to risk my career over something I care little about, so I merely put my head down and ate my beet soup. But that is all I know, and you did not hear it from me.


Jannequinard is still waiting for word on his missing Sharlayans instead of actually making an effort to find them, is he? Of course he is. Is it any wonder that in the nearly fifteen years since his return from Sharlayan, his skill in astromancy has remained unchanged? Any wonder that he has never yet managed to convince a single peer of the value of the Sharlayan school? He is a privileged little sprat who spends more time gazing at the stars in young maidens' eyes than actually trying to read the ones above his head.


<sigh> All right, all right. You tell the poor man I just returned from the Observatorium, and one night at the communal feasting hall, happened to overhear Chief Astrologian Forlemort speaking with one of his aides regarding Sharlayan. He was visibly upset, and I wasn't about to risk my career over something I care little about, so I merely put my head down and ate my beet soup. But that is all I know, and you did not hear it from me.


Master Forlemort!? And I thought this day could not get any worse... Ah? Oh, no. I'm not suggesting that meeting <Emphasis>you</Emphasis> in any way has been unfortunate. It is just...ah...that, er... It may not be in our best interests to be seen together as of yet. There are certain people in the See who do not approve of my studies. Couple that with the fact that you are an outsider and an unbeliever, and...well, people may come to the wrong conclusions.


We must act with caution until we can prove that our intentions are just and for the good of all Ishgard. So, I must ask you to travel to the Observatorium alone, and meet me there.


Ah, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. Allow me to apologize again for not accompanying you here. As for our business with the chief astrologian, you may leave the talking to me.


Ah, Jannequinard. I might have known it would be you. Who else would be so indecent as to drag an outsider into this holy place of observation?


You have always had an unhealthy obsession with the foreign. 'Tis why you are as worthless to the Athenaeum now as you were when you returned from that heathen city a decade and a half since.


But the stars, they can serve us in other ways than merely revealing when the Horde will attack. Their powers can be tapped! The aether within can be used for─


The aether should be left be! Has history taught you naught about the folly of the Nymians? The Amdapori? The Mhachi?


Mine uncle, the Sharlayans have been wielding astromancy for ages without disrupting aetherial balance. This power, combined with Ishgardian astrology, could be what is needed to turn the tide of this thousand-year conflict. Moreover, I have reason to believe that our masters at the Vault agree, as they have given me their blessing to continue my research.


<sigh> I did not come to trade barbs with you, Nuncle. Let us save that for another time. I am here because it has come to my attention that you may have information as to the whereabouts of Professor Mace and his party from Sharlayan.


For someone who says he is not here to trade barbs, you have been quite generous in your dealing of them today. If it means you will leave and allow me to return to my work, then I'd be more than happy to let you know what information found its way to my desk just yesterday morn.


Serpent Reaver sightings and foul weather prevented the professor's ship from entering the Strait of Merlthor, where they would have made their way up the Maiden and into Coerthas. After detouring around the south of Vylbrand, they finally disembarked at Vesper Bay, where they took the land route along the Royal Allagan Sunway to the Black Shroud. It is there, it seems, they lost their way. A <Emphasis>lost</Emphasis> astrologian! Hah!


It is as my morning reading predicted. Dalamud was in detriment in the House of the Spire while ascending over the ecliptic! <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>, you must journey to the Black Shroud and assist Professor Mace. Allow me to introduce you to Quimperain. He is my personal manservant, and shall accompany you.


He is not one for conversation, but his sword arm is amongst the best in all the Pillars. He should see you safe if any danger were to befall you, and something tells me danger lurks on the horizon.


It is a pleasure to serve you, <If(PlayerParameter(4))>milady<Else/>milord</If>. I shall make haste to Quarrymill and await you there.


I know not which is worse─the blasphemous wretch who mocks the very principles from which our field is sown, or the bumbling unbeliever who blindly follows him in hopes of gnawing on the scraps he drops in his wake.


<If(PlayerParameter(4))>Milady<Else/>Milord</If>. I have questioned the residents of this hamlet and learned that a party of queerly dressed outsiders passed through not but a bell ago. It should not prove overly difficult to find them now...but before we begin, might I ask a moment of your time?


I would not dare utter aught ill of my master, but his recent fixation with finding a protégé... I believe it ill considered. This passion, however pure, has left him with more than one enemy within the astrological community. Lord Forlemort has seen to this.


I fear not only for how his name might be sullied...but for his life.


I beg of you. Pray, do not drag him any further down into this quagmire. Let him quietly dabble in his dream, but let it remain at that─a dream. No good will come of encouraging him. It will only hurt the viscount and his family. You must remember that while I serve Lord Jannequinard, it is his uncle, the count, who employs me.


Now, as for the task at hand, I suggest we find the wayward travelers and hurry back to our respective hearths. I shall lead. Might I ask you to take the rear and see that none might take us unawares?




These are the Sharlayans we seek, and it appears they have found themselves some trouble.


(-Mace's Granddaughter-)Unhand my grandfather!


Ah, feisty. We'll fetch a fine price for that one from the pleasure barge captains.


The Soul...has spoken...


Grab the old man. These wizard types carry on them all manner of begemmed baubles and golden trinkets.


Up, or I'll toss you to the snakes!


You want to see the old man again, you leave us the girl. Try anything, and he's dead.


(-Mace's Granddaughter-)Wait!


(-Mace's Granddaughter-)Grandfather's soul crystal... Why would he leave it here, surrendering any power he might have had to free himself from those bandits?


(-Mace's Granddaughter-)Unless... You were the one he saw in his reading before we left the Old World... But that was more than a moon ago! My grandfather scried from the cards that he would serve as the bridge for countless souls to be passed to another... Might <Emphasis>you</Emphasis> be that other...?


These men of the forests are careless. Tracking them will be no difficult feat. I shall follow and strike before they have time to regroup in numbers.


(-Mace's Granddaughter-)The stars have spoken and laid their path not before you, but before the adventurer here.


(-Mace's Granddaughter-)You. You must take the Soul of the Astrologian and place it near your heart.


(-Mace's Granddaughter-)Listen to the tales of those who walked before you, and know their journeys as you do your own.


(-Leveva-)As for the tools you require and the knowledge needed to wield them, I, Leveva, shall see to those matters.


(-Leveva-)You saw there was no fear in my grandfather's eyes when the bandits took him. This is because he has seen you come to his rescue.


(-Leveva-)Our lives were written in the stars long before we trod upon this land. It is not by chance that you stand here today with the Soul of the Astrologian in your hand. It is fate.

Quest: Stairway to the Heavens

Genre: Quêtes de classe/job
Genre + : Quêtes de job : mages
Job :
Level : 50

Zone: Ishgard

Extention: Heavensward

Resumé: Jannequinard vous a souhaité la bienvenue au sein de la communauté nouvellement créée des astromanciens d'Ishgard. Parlez-lui de nouveau.

Resumé: Pour commencer votre en<SoftHyphen/>traî<SoftHyphen/>ne<SoftHyphen/>ment, Jannequinard vous a demandé de vous renseigner à propos de l'astromancien sharlayanais qui n'a toujours pas répondu à son invitation. Parlez aux astrologues dans le collège d'astromancie Saint-Guenriol.


<Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>, n'oubliez jamais que j'ai moi-même encore beaucoup de choses à découvrir sur cette discipline. J'espère que nous apprendrons l'un de l'autre au cours de votre initiation.








Depuis son in<SoftHyphen/>tro<SoftHyphen/>duc<SoftHyphen/>tion à Ishgard, l'astromancie a prin<SoftHyphen/>ci<SoftHyphen/>pa<SoftHyphen/>le<SoftHyphen/>ment été utilisée pour observer et prévoir les mouvements des hordes dravaniennes.


C'est la raison pour laquelle les astromanciens sont devenus des “astrologues” dans la sainte Cité.


J'ai donc pensé qu'il était temps de remettre la véritable bénédiction des étoiles, l'astromancie, à la place qui lui revient de droit. Car qui ne voudrait pas recevoir l'aide des astres pour soutenir ses camarades au cours des batailles, grâce à des sorts de magie pouvant changer le cours du destin<Indent/>? Je vous le demande<Indent/>!


Bien, je crois qu'il est grand temps de rentrer dans le vif du sujet. Prenez un moment pour vous préparer si besoin est, et revenez me voir ensuite.






Ça y est, vous êtes prêt<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If> à marcher main dans la main avec votre destin<Indent/>? Vous m'en voyez ravi.




Il y a un certain nombre d'années, avant l'exode, les murailles de la cité de Sharlayan se dressaient dans une région occidentale reculée de l'Arrière-pays dravanien. En ce temps-là, je n'étais qu'un jeune homme désireux d'étudier l'astromancie auprès des plus grands spé<SoftHyphen/>cia<SoftHyphen/>listes.


Les Ishgardais pratiquent ce qu'on appelle la “science des étoiles”. Ils étudient les mouvements des voûtes célestes et des éléments qui les composent pour prévoir les attaques des Dravaniens.


Mais l'astromancie sharlayanaise est différente. C'est avant tout un type de magie qui tire sa puissance de la bénédiction des étoiles.


Un astrologue ishgardais qui voudrait s'initier à l'astromancie devrait donc d'abord recevoir l'en<SoftHyphen/>traî<SoftHyphen/>ne<SoftHyphen/>ment de base dédié aux mages.


Cependant, je dois reconnaître qu'il y a déjà une grande énergie magique en vous, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. Je pense que vous n'aurez aucun mal à passer le rite d'initiation. Mais avant cela, il nous reste un petit détail à régler...


Voyez-vous, j'ai envoyé une invitation à un éminent professeur sharlayanais pour qu'il vienne dans notre collège, mais il ne semble toujours pas avoir répondu à l'heure qu'il est.


Peut-être pourriez-vous interroger les astrologues autour de nous afin d'en apprendre davantage<Indent/>? Que la bénédiction des étoiles soit sur vous, mon ami<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If>.


Que la bénédiction des étoiles soit sur vous, mon ami<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If>.


Le professeur sharlayanais qui doit nous rendre visite<Indent/>? Non, toujours pas de réponse de sa part... Toutefois, il est possible que la lettre soit tombée dans les mains de l'Observatoire.


Notre collège n'est qu'un laboratoire de recherche, si je puis dire. Toute la pratique se passe à l'Observatoire, le centre névralgique de l'astrologie ishgardaise.


Le professeur sharlayanais qui doit nous rendre visite<Indent/>? Non, toujours pas de réponse de sa part... Toutefois, il est possible que la lettre soit tombée dans les mains de l'Observatoire.


Notre collège n'est qu'un laboratoire de recherche, si je puis dire. Toute la pratique se passe à l'Observatoire, le centre névralgique de l'astromancie ishgardaise.


Vous cherchez un professeur sharlayanais<Indent/>? Euh, désolé mais je ne suis au courant de rien... C'est sire Jannequinard qui vous envoie, n'est-ce pas<Indent/>?


Je ne comprends pas pourquoi il insiste tellement pour inclure ces techniques étrangères... Franchement, que voulez-vous que nous fassions de sorts de magie qui n'ont pas pour but premier de repousser les Dravaniens<Indent/>?


Vous cherchez un professeur sharlayanais<Indent/>? Euh, désolé mais je ne suis au courant de rien... C'est sire Jannequinard qui vous envoie, n'est-ce pas<Indent/>?


Je ne comprends pas pourquoi il insiste tellement pour inclure ces techniques étrangères... Franchement, que voulez-vous que nous fassions de sorts de magie qui n'ont pas pour but premier de repousser les Dravaniens<Indent/>?


Un astromancien sharlayanais, vous dites<Indent/>? Figurez-vous que je reviens de l'Observatoire et il me semble bien que sire Forlemort marmonnait quelque chose à ce propos...


Il était en train de lire une lettre et tout à coup, il a lâché un sacré cri de colère<Indent/>! J'ai tout de suite pensé qu'une telle réaction ne pouvait qu'avoir un lien avec Sharlayan...


Un astromancien sharlayanais, vous dites<Indent/>? Figurez-vous que je reviens de l'Observatoire et il me semble bien que sire Forlemort marmonnait quelque chose à ce propos...


Il était en train de lire une lettre et tout à coup, il a lâché un sacré cri de colère<Indent/>! J'ai tout de suite pensé qu'une telle réaction ne pouvait qu'avoir un lien avec Sharlayan...


Tiens donc, Forlemort aurait reçu une lettre... C'est bien la dernière personne que j'aurais mise au courant de cette invitation, mais les voies du destin sont im<SoftHyphen/>pé<SoftHyphen/>né<SoftHyphen/>tra<SoftHyphen/>bles.


Face à ce genre de difficultés, un astromancien doit essayer d'aiguiller le destin dans la bonne direction, tout simplement. C'est toujours le meilleur moyen de recevoir la bénédiction des astres. Nous allons donc nous rendre tous les deux à l'Observatoire, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>.


Merci d'être venu<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If> aussi vite, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. J'allais justement m'entretenir avec sire Forlemort.


Vous revoilà donc en compagnie de Jannequinard, aventuri<If(PlayerParameter(4))>ère<Else/>er</If>. Je savais bien qu'on ne pouvait pas faire confiance aux étrangers...


Combien de fois devrai-je vous répéter que la sainte Cité n'a pas besoin de ces sorts sharlayanais de pacotille<Indent/>? C'est une évidence absolue pour tout Ishgardais qui se respecte<Indent/>!


Les dragons ne sont pas la seule préoccupation des astres, cher Directeur. Si vous teniez réellement à venir en aide à vos compatriotes, vous adopteriez un point de vue bien plus large du monde qui vous entoure.


Je n'ai pas de leçons à recevoir d'un blanc-bec comme vous<Indent/>! Je n'ai peut-être pas votre rang mais ici, c'est moi qui commande, Jannequinard de Durendaire<Indent/>!


Vous avez tort de vous emporter ainsi. Nous avons le même but, mais nous sommes en désaccord sur les moyens pour y parvenir, voilà tout. De plus, je vous rappelle que mes recherches ont été of<SoftHyphen/>fi<SoftHyphen/>ciel<SoftHyphen/>le<SoftHyphen/>ment approuvées par le Saint-Siège.


Je vous prie donc de bien vouloir me transmettre le contenu de la lettre de l'astromancien sharlayanais que vous venez de recevoir.


Eh bien, si même le Saint-Siège apporte son soutien à vos lubies, nous pouvons nous préparer pour la fin des temps<Indent/>! Mais je suppose qu'un étranger de plus ou de moins ne changera pas grand-chose au fait que vos recherches sont vouées à l'échec, mon pauvre Jannequinard.


Pour répondre à votre question, votre ami sharlayanais contemple en ce moment même les arbres qui entourent le Moulin de la Carrière, dans la Forêt du sud. Le bougre n'a pas trouvé son chemin jusqu'à vous, dites donc<Indent/>! Ça prouve à quel point il en a dans la caboche...


Je vois. <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>, un<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e aventurière<Else/> aventurier</If> aussi expérimenté<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If> que vous doit connaître ce lieu comme sa poche, non<Indent/>? Emmenez mon serviteur Quimperain avec vous et ramenez le professeur sain et sauf, s'il vous plaît.


Je vous attendrai au collège. Merci, et que les astres vous protègent, mon ami<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If>.


Je m'en remets à votre bienveillance, <If(PlayerParameter(4))>Dame<Else/>Sire</If> <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. Rendons-nous sans plus tarder au Moulin de la Carrière.


Quoi<Indent/>? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez<Indent/>?


Merci d'être venu<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If> aussi vite, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. À mon avis, nous devrions commencer notre enquête ici, mais avant cela... j'ai quelque chose à vous avouer, maintenant que vous avez décidé de suivre la voie tracée par maître Jannequinard.


Il est tellement absorbé par son étude de l'astromancie qu'il arrivera cer<SoftHyphen/>tai<SoftHyphen/>ne<SoftHyphen/>ment à en tirer quelque chose de profitable pour tout le monde, cela ne fait à mon avis aucun doute. Le problème, c'est que nos activités nous attirent les foudres de toute une partie des citoyens ishgardais.


Je dois admettre que je suis moi-même partagé entre ma confiance envers mon maître, et ma méfiance pour tout ce qui provient de Sharlayan...


Ne vous méprenez pas, je souhaite du fond du cœur que les recherches de sire Jannequinard aboutissent. Veuillez m'excuser si je vous ai perturbé<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If>.


En tout cas, les habitants de cet endroit m'ont dit avoir aperçu quelqu'un qui devrait être notre homme au bocage de la Mue. Je pars devant, retrouvez-moi là-bas.




<Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>, vous arrivez à temps<Indent/>! Ces brigands en veulent à la vie de notre invité<Indent/>!


(-Jeune inconnue-)Grand-père...


(-Chef des brigands-)Ho ho, la jolie poupée que voilà... Certains paieraient cher pour profiter de ses avantages<Indent/>!


(-Astromancien âgé-)C'est donc <If(PlayerParameter(4))>elle<Else/>lui</If>... l'élu<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If>...


Emmenez le vieux<Indent/>!


T'as entendu, Papy<Indent/>? On y va<Indent/>!


Si vous voulez revoir le vieux croulant en vie, livrez-nous la fille, ou on le découpera en petits morceaux et on emballera chacun d'entre eux dans de jolis paquets cadeaux avant de vous les envoyer<Indent/>! Compris<Indent/>?


(-Jeune inconnue-)Grand-père, non<Indent/>!!


(-Jeune inconnue-)<Clickable(<SheetFr(Item,2,8840,1,1)/>)/> de Grand-père... Pourquoi brille-t-il ainsi, tout à coup<Indent/>?


(-Jeune inconnue-)Se pourrait-il que... Oui, ça ne peut être que ça. Mon grand-père a lu dans votre destin, aventuri<If(PlayerParameter(4))>ère<Else/>er</If>. <Clickable(<SheetFr(Item,5,8840,1,1)/>)/> l'a prouvé.


Je vais tenter d'obtenir des renforts<Indent/>! <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>, mettez cette jeune fille hors de danger<Indent/>!


(-Jeune inconnue-)Vous n'avez pas besoin de vous affoler, chevalier. Grand-père n'a besoin de rien d'autre que de l'astromancie pour être tiré d'affaire.


(-Jeune inconnue-)<Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>, c'est ça<Indent/>? Tenez, prenez ce cristal.


(-Jeune inconnue-)Vous obtiendrez ainsi la source du savoir de tous les astromanciens qui vous ont précédé<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If>. Leur énergie vitale viendra se mêler à celle du cristal.


(-Leveva-)Allons, n'ayez pas peur. Je sais ce que je dis puisque c'est mon grand-père qui m'a tout appris<Indent/>! À moi, sa petite-fille Leveva, de transmettre mon savoir et de vous enseigner l'art de l'astromancie et le maniement du globe céleste.


(-Leveva-)Grâce à ça, vous deviendrez l'un<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If> des nôtres et sauverez mon grand-père sans problème, j'en suis absolument certaine<Indent/>!


(-Leveva-)Vous ne vous en rendez peut-être pas encore compte, mais c'est le destin qui nous a réuni<If(PlayerParameter(4))>es<Else/>s</If>. Dorénavant, le globe céleste ne fera plus qu'un avec votre esprit, et les étoiles vous combleront de leurs bienfaits<Indent/>!
