Quest: Feather in the Cap

Genre: Class & Job Quests
Genre + : Disciple of Magic Job Quests
Job : AST
Level : 56

Zone: Ishgard

Extention: Heavensward

Summary: Leveva has moved north to Tailfeather in the Dravanian forelands. Travel to the remote camp with Jannequinard to learn what her plans for the hamlet may be.

Summary: The hunters of Tailfeather, tired of having their broken arms mended with bone saws, have formally requested aid from the same astrologians who assisted the Convictors with their battle-wounded. Leveva suggests that as long as you are in the hamlet, you help her by weaving an Aspected Benefic or three.


I am happy to report that Leveva is fine and well, and hasn't been attacked by bandits, dastards, curs, Sharlayan spies, or disgruntled knights once since her last encounter at the Convictory.


After restoring health to all the Convictors so they might return to getting wounded again, she journeyed northwest into the Dravanian forelands. If that journey was without incident, she should be in Tailfeather now, tending to the chocobo hunters there. Might I suggest that we go and join her, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>?


I cannot remember the last time I was in the forelands...probably because I have never been to the forelands. Why would anyone go there? It's literally crawling with dragons!


<Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>! It is good to see you again. I pray you have not been neglecting your training. Now, you may be wondering why I chose Tailfeather, of all places, to visit next. Well, the truth of the matter is, I did not <Emphasis>choose</Emphasis> it at all; it chose me. The hunters here somehow heard of what we had done at the Convictory and placed a formal request to have me come and tend to the hamlet's wounded.


I would like to believe this proof that word of the benefits of Sharlayan astrology is slowly but surely spreading through the realm. Ah, but enough talk. There are still many ailing souls that require succor. Would you and Jannequinard mind assisting me again as you did in the western highlands?


Though many of these men's wounds are deep, Aspected Benefic should provide sufficient healing.


Other than singeing the arse of a Jeweled Crozier cutpurse or soothing the scraped knee of a tripped maiden, it is rare that I have the opportunity to use many of my spells while behind the ramparts of Ishgard proper. This is actually all quite exciting.


The pain! Oh, the pain!


I don't know who you are, but you're good in my book.


Damn each and every one of the Twelve to the seventh hell and back! I'm not ready to die!


Praise the Twelve! I'm healed!


Two score summers trappin' chocobos and not a single beak in the eye or talon in the arse...and here I am on my deathbed on account of trippin' over a caelumtree root.


An honest healer! Here in Tailfeather? Now I <Emphasis>have</Emphasis> seen everything.


I do believe that is least for today.


These men and women have chosen a horrendously dangerous profession. A chocobo's talons can rip open flesh to the bone, and a single kick can knock an otherwise hale hunter out for a sennight...if he survives it.


Many of them seemed surprised─grateful, of course, but surprised─that we were here helping them. Does the hamlet not have its own healers? Do the Temple Knights not dispatch their hospitaliers this far from Ishgard?


The Holy See only cares for the war with the dragons. It cannot be bothered with a handful of hunters, despite the fact these hunters are its citizens. I was told on my arrival that they manage with makeshift poultices created using herbs gathered from around the hamlet. When the wounds are more severe...they turn to their sole barber who...well, is also the local butcher. I'm sorry. My frustration with the situation coupled with the day's efforts have me slightly drained. Might I be allowed a few moments of respite?




Quimperain, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. Would you be so kind as to accompany the lady on her stroll? It has been far too long since that Sharlayan assassin showed her face, and a reading I conducted earlier this morning showed a day rife with conflict and confusion.


I am glad you came, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. There is something important I must tell you. Since Jannequinard gave me my father's journal, I have spent my nights poring over his writings, trying to piece together what I could about his life. It appears he was hardworking, and just. He trusted all, and truly wanted to help people in need. He believed that knowledge should not be hoarded like food, but shared amongst the intellectually starved.


He also knew that there were those who would see him stopped. Persons who used their influence to trick and frighten the Forum into believing that knowledge should be kept at one's breast─persons who saw my father as a threat. His final few entries all speak of how he feared for his life─of how one man in particular was working to see him dead. That man's name─


(-Familiar Voice-)Is not important, for in the end, it turned out your father was killed by the very people he was foolish enough to trust. People who, in their slaying of a good man, proved that they were unworthy of the knowledge he so freely offered them. And now, here you are, making the same mistake as he. Continue with this foolishness, and you, too, will suffer his fate.


Do not dare talk of my father as if you knew him! You know nothing. Your mind is as closed as the minds of those back in the Old World who believe that hiding in their books will shield them from the pain and suffering of the real world!


(-Celie-)Such passion... It is a pity it remains misdirected. My employer only wishes to see you back, safe in Sharlayan. The Forum recognizes your talent. You are an asset to our nation and its people. We would have you live a long and prosperous life, so that you may rise even higher than your father ever had the opportunity to.


(-Celie-)Ah, but we both know you are far too stubborn to take this gift so graciously offered. You would rather fight. And you know? So would I. No more games, Leveva. Let us end this. Right here. Right now. With your precious stars as our witness!


(-Celie-)Let us end this. Right here. Right now. With your precious stars as our witness!


(-Celie-)Spare no one! Not even the girl!


Are you all right!? I heard the commotion and came as quickly as I could!


Not as quickly as these four. You remember, the hunters so gravely wounded not less than a bell ago? If memory serves me, they could barely lift a finger, let alone rush headlong into a heated battle and help turn the tide.


(-Tailfeather Hunter-)Ah, don't be too hard on the silkshirt. Turns out we didn't need his help anyroad.


(-Tailfeather Hunter-)Who'd have thought it, eh? Real live fightin' astrologians. Now I truly <Emphasis>have</Emphasis> seen everythin'.


Leveva! I daresay those men would not have risked their lives had they little respect for us or our craft. You were right. Our actions here have done more to promote Sharlayan astrology than any long-winded discourse. Why, I expect this very night, the tale of your daring deeds will be told a hundred times over in mead halls across the forelands.


Which means it will not be long before the Forum has heard as well. We Sharlayans may have officially abandoned this realm, but our ears remain. If the one who hired Celie is who I think it is, then I expect naught less than a formal edict of extradition to be issued.


An edict of extradition? But Sharlayan has no power to force Ishgard to deliver you into their hands.


Furthermore, what exactly is it you have done wrong, but allowed others to partake in your great nation's bottomless well of I did more than fifteen summers ago when I studied in her halls?


Things changed after you left, Jannequinard. Many even believe it was my father's death that tipped the scales in favor of closing Sharlayan's doors and locking away all our knowledge. If the Forum deems it so, I could be arrested and imprisoned for “the theft of national resources.” And I see no reason why your Holy See, who has already shown its disdain for our efforts, would stand in its way.


So what do we do? Your grandfather... Your father... They have given up so much to see you here. We cannot just concede defeat, now that we have finally begun to make headway!


I never said we would, Janne. I have no intention of giving up or giving in. Doing so would be to deny the sacrifices made by my father and grandfather. The stars have shown me the path I must take. There is no other. And it begins back at Tailfeather healing those who aided us. I will see the two of you in Ishgard once I have settled matters here. Quimperain will see I arrive unharmed.


Lady Leveva still has not returned from Tailfeather. Oh, but do not worry. I have had word that she simply intends to stay a few turns of the sun longer.


What we should be worrying about, however, is the Forum and their pending decision on our companion's extradition. If an official edict <Emphasis>is</Emphasis> drafted, I fear we may find ourselves at the mercy of the Vault. And if that were to happen, there will be little we can do to keep Leveva here, short of starting a war.


If only we had more time! When I was studying in Sharlayan, I heard whispers of an ancient astromantic spell which could stop time and the very movements of the heavens. All of my professors denied it existed, of course...

Quest: Feather in the Cap

Genre: Quêtes de classe/job
Genre + : Quêtes de job : mages
Job : AST
Level : 56

Zone: Ishgard

Extention: Heavensward

Resumé: Les chasseurs de La Penne ont engagé Leveva pour qu'elle soigne leurs blessés. Retrouvez-la sur place, dans l'Avant-pays dravanien.

Resumé: L'astromancienne vous a demandé de faire le tour du village pour y soigner les chasseurs qui souffrent. Utilisez “Bienfaisance aspectée” sur tous ceux que vous croiserez.


Content de vous revoir, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. Saviez-vous qu'au moment où nous parlons, dame Leveva parcourt Éorzéa pour venir en aide aux blessés et aux malades<Indent/>?


Les chasseurs de La Penne l'ont même spé<SoftHyphen/>cia<SoftHyphen/>le<SoftHyphen/>ment engagée pour qu'elle s'occupe d'eux. L'astromancie commence à être connue dans la région, c'est moi qui vous le dis<Indent/>! Allons aider dame Leveva à nous sortir de l'ombre<Indent/>!


Les chasseurs de La Penne ont spé<SoftHyphen/>cia<SoftHyphen/>le<SoftHyphen/>ment engagé dame Leveva pour qu'elle s'occupe d'eux. L'astromancie commence à être connue dans la région, c'est moi qui vous le dis<Indent/>! Allons aider dame Leveva à nous sortir de l'ombre<Indent/>!


Merci d'être venu<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If>, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. C'est la première fois qu'on me demande de soigner tout un régiment, vous savez. J'en suis très honorée.


Nous devrions nous réjouir, non<Indent/>? C'est la preuve que nos efforts commencent à porter leurs fruits. Il faut donc continuer dans cette voie<Indent/>! Je compte sur vous pour soigner tous les chasseurs blessés que vous rencontrerez.


Je compte sur vous pour soigner tous les chasseurs blessés que vous rencontrerez, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>.


Montrons aux chasseurs de La Penne que l'astromancie est la science de l'avenir<Indent/>!


Aïe... Ouille...


Ouah, je me sens mieux tout à coup<Indent/>! Je ne sais pas comment vous avez fait mais je vous revaudrai ça, aventuri<If(PlayerParameter(4))>ère<Else/>er</If>.


J'ai tellement mal... Je n'arrive même plus... à parler...


Merci, aventuri<If(PlayerParameter(4))>ère<Else/>er</If>. Il n'y a pas à dire, l'astromancie fait vraiment des miracles<Indent/>!


Ça y est... c'est la fin...


Merci beaucoup, je vous dois une fière chandelle<Indent/>!


Eh bien, je crois que c'est tout en ce qui me concerne...


Vous avez fait le tour du village aussi, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/><Indent/>? Parfait, excellent travail<Indent/>! Grâce à nous, les chasseurs vont pouvoir repartir de plus belle pour procurer de la nourriture à leurs familles.


Absolument<Indent/>! De toute façon, je n'ai constaté aucun blessé grave. Je ne m'inquiète donc pas pour eux, mais plutôt pour nous... Quand bien même ils m'ont tous remercié de les avoir soignés, aucun d'entre eux ne semblait sincèrement intéressé par l'astromancie.


N'oubliez pas que ces gens sont justement des chasseurs, Jannequinard. Ils ne nous ont pas fait venir ici pour assister à un cours magistral, mais pour que nous améliorions leur quotidien, ce que nous avons réussi de fort belle manière, je dois dire. Il est temps de passer à l'étape suivante<Indent/>!




<Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>, Quimperain, veuillez accompagner dame Leveva vers notre prochaine destination. Je vous rejoindrai après avoir fait un dernier tour d'inspection de La Penne.


Nous vous attendions, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>. Regardez comme le ciel brille de mille feux<Indent/>! Depuis mon enfance, je ne me lasse pas d'admirer cette merveille.


J'ai le sentiment que les étoiles sont la seule chose qui me relie encore à mon père. En lisant son journal, j'ai appris à quel point il aimait se plonger dans la contemplation des constellations, lui aussi...


Oh, comme c'est touchant<Indent/>! Je me demande quand même pourquoi tu cherches autant à suivre le chemin tracé par ton traître de père. Qu'est-ce que ça t'apporte de te mêler à ces barbares<Indent/>?


Je savais que tu reviendrais... Con<SoftHyphen/>trai<SoftHyphen/>re<SoftHyphen/>ment à ce que tu sembles croire, l'astromancie n'est pas partisane. Elle sert à apporter la bénédiction des étoiles à tous ceux qui l'acceptent, sans distinction de rang ou d'origine<Indent/>!


Pfff... Jusqu'à maintenant, mon maître a été très magnanime envers toi, mais le conseil des Sages ne l'entend pas de cette oreille. Tu sais très bien de quoi je parle... Si tu continues à n'en faire qu'à ta tête, ça va mal finir pour toi, ma petite. Très mal, même<Indent/>!


Mais puisque tu sembles résolue à ne pas m'écouter, tu vas devoir en payer le prix, et pas plus tard que tout de suite. Je ne te laisserai pas nous déshonorer une fois de plus, sois-en certaine<Indent/>!




Préparez-vous à voir trente-six chandelles en lieu et place de vos jolies étoiles<Indent/>!


Par Halone<Indent/>! Vous n'avez rien de cassé<Indent/>? Je suis venu aussi vite que j'ai pu, mais on dirait que j'arrive encore une fois après la bataille...


Ne vous inquiétez pas, Jannequinard, nous n'avons pas manqué de renforts. Merci à vous tous.


(-Chasseur de La Penne-)Ce n'est rien, voyons. Au fait, votre astromancie a l'air infiniment plus efficace que le charabia des astrologues d'Ishgard<Indent/>!


(-Chasseur de La Penne-)Nous ne manquerons pas de faire votre éloge à Ishgard, vous avez ma parole<Indent/>! Faites bien attention à vous, d'accord<Indent/>? À la prochaine<Indent/>!


Vous avez entendu, Dame Leveva<Indent/>? Ces chasseurs vont faire la promotion de l'astromancie à Ishgard<Indent/>! La chance nous sourit enfin<Indent/>!


J'espère que vous avez raison, Jannequinard... mais j'ai bien peur que nous n'ayons pas fini d'entendre parler de mes compatriotes. Je risque de recevoir très bientôt un ordre de rapatriement de leur part.


Un... ordre de rapatriement<Indent/>?


Cela signifie-t-il que le conseil des Sages a of<SoftHyphen/>fi<SoftHyphen/>ciel<SoftHyphen/>le<SoftHyphen/>ment interdit la propagation de l'astromancie<Indent/>?


Oui. Mon grand-père et moi sommes désormais considérés comme des traîtres, et avec <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/> comme hériti<If(PlayerParameter(4))>ère<Else/>er</If> du cristal d'astromancien, les choses ne risquent pas de s'arranger...


Vous avez donc risqué votre honneur pour réaliser votre rêve et celui de votre père... C'est admirable, Dame Leveva. Sachez que vous pouvez compter sur moi pour vous soutenir jusqu'au bout<Indent/>!


Merci, Jannequinard. Si vous n'y voyez pas d'in<SoftHyphen/>con<SoftHyphen/>vé<SoftHyphen/>nient, je vais rester à La Penne pour continuer à y soigner les chasseurs. Je vous retrouverai à Ishgard dans quelque temps.


Encore une fois, <Split(<Highlight>ObjectParameter(1)</Highlight>, ,1)/>, vous vous en êtes admirablement sorti<If(PlayerParameter(4))>e<Else/></If>. Après ce qui vient de se passer à La Penne, l'avenir de l'astromancie à Ishgard est de plus en plus radieux, mais celui de dame Leveva m'inquiète grandement.


Apparemment, le conseil des Sages n'a aucune intention de la laisser tranquille. Nous pouvons nous attendre à d'autres attaques dans les jours qui viennent.


D'ici là, je compte sur vous pour continuer à vous entraîner sans relâche. La sérénité de dame Leveva en dépend<Indent/>!

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